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Here is the continuation of Shakespeare! Introducing a new version of Romeo and Juliet. Beautiful pictures made ​​of Peter III TI on the tablet! Translation slides: Slide 1 ROMEO & JULIETCOMIC BOOK Slide 2 Oh, whom are my beautiful eyes see. On the balcony is something which is probably a virgin. This is my personification of love, after all .... I'll go to her for supper .. Slide 3 Could someone climbed up on my balcony? Or maybe it's Tarzan flies the parachute? What for me? I stand here! It's me! Slide 4 Oh, do not be afraid of beauty, Miss. Do you remember we met once at the fountain. Slide 5 Indeed, I remember you. I offered you then bread ... Why zamilkłeś Romeo? I ended up talking. You hear something like zawyło! Slide 6 It seems you loved. You are my honey on the wound. Somebody hurt you .. the wound? Slide 7 does not go into details dear! I will not go into in this case .. I will tell you: THE CASE ... Slide 8 Become a little more if you love your Kokoszka ... I love, I love sincerely ... I love to believe it! Slide 9 you know, and now I hear something ... Seemingly interrupting the silence sounds of the jungle ... You see, I was right. Slide 10 aaaaaaaa ... ... ... Slide 11 I love Jani! Dude, this is not a fairy tale! Slide 12 Do not bother as he has the voice of fable ... Tell me again, I hear you for sure. It can become your princess? I love Jani! Slide 13 Romeo You see, my name is Jani in his language to say .... Przestałaś love me ...? Slide 14 of course, I love you silly! After you, after all the night weeping. But go home now. Perhaps you are worried about the lady of the manor! You're right, I have to fly. Slide 15 I'll send someone for you tomorrow and he will send you a message ... Slide 16 Well, now goodbye baby ... Goodbye ... Slide 17 END OF THE DRAWINGS AUTHOR: PETER BAŁKOTA, III, TI Romeo has made his way over to Juliet --------------------------------------------------------------- Our friends from Turkey in the school library reading Shakespeare Sonnet 18. See how they came to great :-)
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERVIEW WITH SHAKESPEARE. HURRA :-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Taming of the Shrew William Shakespeare We invite you to view photos from the play >"Taming of the Shrew" As part of our project we recorded drama. Well in August of fun. We update these seen by many schools. Even though we have won first prize at the Festival of Theatre. The Taming of the Shrew (Taming of the Shrew) - William Shakespeare's comedy of the year 1594. Was published in the First Folio in 1623. It is one of the earliest works of Shakespeare. V is built from the acts, the action takes place in the Italian city of Padua. Like the other comedies of this author, ends with a happy ending. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SZEKSPIR - 01 kwiecień 2011: "NOTA - SZEKSPIR%20-%2001%20kwiecie%C5%84%202011" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SONET 23 --------------------------------------------------------------------

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Macbeth in my libraryMacbeth in my library MAKBET - Tragedia Williama Shakespeare’a napisana około roku 1606, należy do najczęściej wystawianych i adaptowanych sztuk szekspirowskich, jest również najkrótszą tragedią jego autorstwa. Sztuka oparta została na przekazach historycznych dotyczących króla szkockiego Makbeta spisanych w kronice Raphaela Holinsheda (ok. 1570-1577), a pośrednio na Scotorum Historiae autorstwa Hectora Boece z 1527 roku (będącej źródłem dla Holinsheda). MAKBET jest archetypiczną opowieścią o niebezpieczeństwach związanych z żądzą władzy i zdradą przyjaciół. Obecny jest w niej wątek charakterystyczny dla średniowiecznego moralitetu: główny bohater ulega pokusie władzy, następuje jego stopniowy upadek moralny, aż do zbrodni, która pociąga za sobą kolejne, nie mija go jednak kara – traci wewnętrzny spokój i poczucie sensu życia. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ile jest warte ludzkie życie? "Makbet" - studium zbrodni - Szekspira, to dramat ponadczasowy, opowiadający o tym, do czego może doprowadzić człowieka żądza i chęć władzy. Po sztukę ięgali reżyserzy filmowi i teatralni. Roman Polański swój pierwszy film, który nakręcił po tragicznej śmierci żony, zrobił właśnie na podstawie Makbeta Szekspira. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Myebook - ola sz - click here to open my ebook ---------------------------------------------------------------------- KRZYŻÓWKA Z SZEKSPIRA A TERAZ ZAPRASZAMY NA ZABAWĘ Z LEKTURĄ: Powtórka z Szekspira - Romeo i Julia

Powtórka z Szekspira - Romeo i Julia


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